Matrix Management

Which stage are you at on the matrix maturity model

A couple of our clients have recently asked us for a “matrix maturity model”, something that describes the typical journey we see companies taking as they develop their matrix organisations and helps locate them in that journey.

We thought it made sense to locate this in a journey from a traditional local functional organisation at one end through to a “digital” organisation at the other.

A number of our clients already beginning their digital transformation and are realising that a lot of the corporate cultural and behavioural underpinnings of digital are the same ones that they need for matrix success. If you can’t work in flat hierarchies and across the traditional vertical silos then you can’t work in either a matrix or a digital environment.

As you can see the matrix maturity model describes an increasingly complex environment for leadership and collaboration together with the corporate cultural changes that need to accompany these steps.


I describe these steps because, if you haven’t mastered one level of complexity, it’s relatively difficult to move onto the next. If you can’t work remotely and virtually, then working in a matrix is difficult. If you can’t work in a matrix then digital is impossible.

It’s also noticeable how each of these developments brings our way of working increasingly into conflict with the traditional vertical silos and power structures of many organizations.

We hope you find this matrix maturity useful. Wherever you are model is likely you still have some progress to make in developing leadership and collaboration capability for the increasingly complex and connected organization of the future.

If you would like to discuss where you are on the matrix maturity model and how you can progress to the next stage, when give us a call

Please let us know what you think. Do you find this model useful? How would you like to see it improved?

See an interactive graphic of our matrix management learning path and module contents.

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30 years of experience learning with a range of world class clients

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