The brainstorming meeting #meetingmyths
As part of our Better Meetings Campaign, we are addressing the best way to run certain types of meetings. Today – brainstorming.
The brainstorming meeting is based on a popular – but incorrect – assumption that groups generate more ideas than individuals on their own.
In fact, it has been clear from research for many years that the opposite is true: individuals working alone generate many more ideas than the same individuals working collectively. In a group, people tend to moderate their ideas and are influenced by the status and feedback of other group members.
In the international and virtual groups we often work with, language and cultural differences can also act to inhibit collective idea generation.
If you want pure creativity and idea generation it is better to let individuals prepare and work alone.
Where a group does add value is in the development and evaluation of ideas so there is value in doing this in a meeting – just not the brainstorming part.
Why not…?
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