Virtual Teams

Sustainable productivity and work life balance when working from home

Most of us have been able to stay productive whilst working from home, but many have sustained this productivity by working longer hours. As higher levels of remote working become the norm, we need to find a sustainable pattern of work that enables us to stay productive but also enables renewal and a healthy work life balance for the long term.

Our highly interactive web seminar Sustainable productivity and work life balance when working from home includes practical tools, insights and discussions in the following areas.

How do we stay productive and sustain positive and healthy WFH practices

  • Design a pattern of work that leads to both productivity and positive work life balance
  • Discover how to manage transitions and healthy boundaries between home and work
  • Design a rhythm of work that works for you, combining productive and sustainable WFH practices with regular renewal
  • Learn to manage distraction
  • Set new habits and manage the expectations of others

See more about this subject in our book Leading Remote and Virtual Teams – managing yourself and others in remote and hybrid teams or when working from home.

See our remote and virtual teams learning path and the other relevant modules in this area.

Educate yourself further with a few more or our online insights:

30 years of experience learning with a range of world class clients

We work with a wide range of clients from global multinationals to recent start-ups. Our audiences span all levels, from CEOs to operational teams around the world.  Our tools and programs have been developed for diverse and demanding audiences.

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Tailored training or off the shelf modules for your people development needs

We are deep content experts in remote, virtual and hybrid working, matrix management and agile & digital leadership. We are highly flexible in how we deliver our content and ideas. We can tailor content closely to your specific needs or deliver off the shelf bite sized modules based on our existing IP and 30 years of training experience.

For more about how we deliver our keynotes, workshops, live web seminars and online learning.

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