Rod Farnan’s Long Service Award

Rod Farnan in traditional scottish kilt

A few short weeks ago, the team met to celebrate the long service of Rod Farnan, one of our Europe based senior consultants.

In a fit of wit, CEO Kevan Hall began Rod’s long service speech:

Most of you won’t know this, but I have a tradition that whenever I am in Scotland and it is raining, I pick up the phone to Rod and tell him “I am in Scotland, it’s raining and miserable, and I thought of you.”

I think he appreciates this and I will definitely add it to the book of motivational techniques I plan to write in my retirement.

PG Wodehouse said “It has never been hard to tell the difference between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.”

Those of us who have had the joy of working with Rod, including those who have been trained by him, know that not only is Rod the exception to ‘grumpy Scot’ rule (itself a complete falsehood), he is almost completely the opposite.

He has an infectious laugh and sunny disposition that make him a joy to work with. He has a special talent in conversations that give you the sense that he is genuinely trying to look after the interests of others – to sum up, using the words of the famous Scottish poet, Robbie Burns: ”The social, friendly, honest man.”

Rod has been with Global Integration since April 2000, but chose to hold off his long service celebration until the whole team could be together.

Ref: Robert Burns (1759-1796), Poetical Works, vol. 1, ed. William Scott Douglas (1891). “Epistle to John Lapraik No.2,” st. 15 (1786).

Rod’s profile: Rod Farnan.


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