Points of interest

image, signpostsThere have been a few changes/additions to this site over the past few weeks that may be of interest to readers.

Firstly, there have been a few articles written or contributed to by team members recently in media and blogs:

Secondly, we decided to move the  regular ‘Where in the World’ post to another part of the site, off the blog and easily accessible to anyone wanting to contact us: Where in the World? So now you’ll always know where to look.

Some of our key consultants have had their profiles updated with a little more recent pictures: consultant profiles.

Our February ‘Hints and Tips’ mail out, sent to subscribers, is now visible online, this time covering ‘One Team, Four Buckets of Co-operation’.

And last, but not least, the executive summary of Kevan Hall’s new book, Making the Matrix Work, is now available for download.



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