Matrix Organization Chart

A matrix organization chart needs to reflect the complexity of two or more dimensions on a simple chart. In many cases this leads to matrix organization charts only going down to departmental rather than individual levels and most of the representations of a this type of organization chart are not intuitive and clear.

We realized that one of the problems in drawing matrix organization charts was that we were carrying old-fashioned assumptions about what an organization chart should look like. In the past, the focus was often to use the organization chart to show grading levels so people at the same level of the organization would appear at the same horizontal level on the chart.

In a matrix organization chart it is fitting that we change this assumption – after all a matrix organization structure undermines traditional hierarchy,

If we let go of this assumption (if you want to you can show grades with a letter in the chart box) we can make matrix organization charts much simpler by moving people with dual line reporting down a level on the chart.

Matrix Organization Chart 1
Matrix Organization Chart 1

This matrix organization chart shows three direct reports and two who have dual reporting into their functional heads for HR & Finance.

If you need to add another level of reporting to the matrix chart this approach can also help.

Matrix Organization Chart 2
Matrix Organization Chart 2

I hope you find our approach to drawing matrix organization charts helpful

If you have come across any other simple ways of illustrating a matrix organization chart, or have ideas for improving the chart above, please let me know.

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