Matrix Monday: articles revisited

Matrix_Monday(D1) (2)Monday is usually ‘Matrix Monday’ on the ‘Life in a Matrix’ blog. We take a look at, or simply flag up, some of the articles and papers that look at the issues thrown up by matrix working, including research and occasionally some hidden gems.

As we’re currently revamping the articles area of our website, offering the pages a ‘once over’ and making them easier for visitors to access, we’ve discovered some of our own ‘old friends’, still relevant and still worth a re-read:

  • Engagement: Kevan Hall offers some pointers to make sure remote and office workers stay engaged and on message in this article, which first appeared in “Time to recalibrate expectations in virtual team building”, by Kevan Hall, TrainingZone, August 7, 2013 Recalibrating expectations in virtual teams.
  • Workplace conflict: Workplace conflict is always a thorny issue. But it’s one that needs thinking about,and needn’t always be bad,  as Kevan Hall points out in this article which first appeared in TLNT magazine: “How You Can Turn Workplace Conflict into Meaningful Progress”, by Kevan Hall. TLNT Magazine, May 27, 2013:
  • Leadership: In this article, which first appeared as “Can our Leaders be heroes?” by Kevan Hall on the TrainingZone Leadership Channel, 14 May 2013 , Kevan Hall poses that most management development, rather than helping,  may create a unhealthy breed of micromanagers: Can our leaders be heroes?
  • Leadership:In a similar vein, Kevan Hall asks “Do we expect too much of our leaders?”  in this piece which first appeared as “Do we expect too much of our leaders?”, by Kevan Hall. Director Magazine, May 2013.
  • Matrix Management: When People and Strategy wrote this in-depth look “Revisiting Matrix Management” it was  hugely popular. There have been few such thorough indepth looks at the matrix in recent years, and it features articles from leading thinkers on the matrix including Campbell, Galbraith and Hall. It doesn’t appear elsewhere on the web, and has been made downloadable here with permission from the publishers: Revisiting Matrix management. Note: this piece lead to an article on “‘Transversal management” appearing on the Peak Performer blog. It’s not a term that has much traction, but naturally we’re keeping an eye on things!
  • Personal effectiveness: To end today’s round up, and thought provoking in an entirely different way, is an article on the division of home and work life which first appeared as The Huffington Post: “Power, Morality and Role” by Kevan Hall, Huffington Post, 22 April, 2013: 

That should offer you plenty to choose from – we wish you a happy and productive week!


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