Matrix Management

Matrix management – the matrix of mum and dad

I was reminded by a great comment, left by my mother on a podcast, about an example that often comes up on our skills for the matrix training about a very common form of matrix management – the matrix of mum and dad.


My Mum and Dad

In a family, if the kids come to dad and ask “can I do X?” , what is the first question dad asks? “What did your mother say?”

Parents naturally know that alignment is important, otherwise the kids drive a wedge between you – AND end up doing whatever they want.

This instinctive alignment, naturally checking in with what the other reporting line of the matrix is thinking, is far more powerful and effective than regular and detailed RASCI reviews.

In business you are more likely to receive the answer: “What does your other line manager know about the real priorities – listen to me not them”. Good luck with that approach!

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