Matrix management requires decentralized decisions
I have been working with a couple of clients recently on ways to systematically decentralize decision making in order to increase the agility of their matrix organization structures.
There are many pressures in matrix management that tend to lead to an increase in central control. But if this happens it tends to make the matrix inflexible and companies experience high levels of escalation.
In order to balance this trend, progressive companies are learning that they need to equip their people with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to make decisions further down into the matrix.
But empowering people to make local decisions can make more senior managers feel uncomfortable, particularly if they do not know or trust the people further down the organization who they are expected to empower.
A matrix organization requires decentralized decision making, and decentralized decision making requires trust.
We have developed a systematic process with 3 phases
- building capability
- building confidence
- establishing the right level of support
By doing this in a managed way we can make managers confident to empower people who are competent to be empowered.
Find out more about our matrix management training.
Does your organization support decentralized decision making, if so – how?
Explore our training programs to see how we can help.
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We are deep content experts in remote, virtual and hybrid working, matrix management and agile & digital leadership. We are highly flexible in how we deliver our content and ideas. We can tailor content closely to your specific needs or deliver off the shelf bite sized modules based on our existing IP and 30 years of training experience.
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