Matrix Management

Making the Matrix Work: Book Launch and Executive Dialogues in Asia

Given the importance of Asia to Global Integration and to world business, when Kevan Hall CEO of Global Integration came to launching his new book, he wanted to start with Asia.

With that in mind, he and T.H. Ong,  Vice President Asia, will visit Hong Kong and Singapore 11-14 December, 2012, to speak at a learning and development forum, and to meet senior executives  of existing and prospective clients. Hong Kong and Singapore will become the  worldwide launch point for Kevan’s new book, Making the Matrix work:  How Matrix Managers Engage People and Cut Through Complexity.

This move reflects not only the increasing importance of Asia to the global economy but  also Global Integration’s focus and commitment to this vibrant business region.

Global customers, international supply chains and more integrated business functions like HR and IT mean that work increasingly cuts across the traditional ‘vertical’ boundaries of function and geography. Most large organizations have introduced some form of matrix organization structure to cope with these new levels of complexity. But the structure itself solves nothing. It  is the way people work together that makes the difference between matrix management success or failure.

Matrix management introduces a whole new level of complexity in the way we lead people and cooperate with our colleagues – accountability without control, multiple bosses and influence without authority become the norm. People become much more connected with colleagues across barriers of distance, cultures, time zones, communication technology and organizational complexity.

Making the Matrix Work is the first book to really concentrate on the mindset, skills and ways of working required for matrix management success. And Asia will lead its launch. (More about the book)

The full schedule for the visit by Kevan Hall and TH Ong to can be seen here: Asian book launch and executive dialogue schedule.

If you are an HR or  business leader/manager from a global company operating in the region, and would like to attend the group dialogue session or to arrange a one-on-one  session, please contact TH Ong.

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