It’s Dress Down Friday on the blog….
Friday is the one day of the week where we allow ourselves to talk about us. We hope it will help you get to know us better and offer an insight into some of the things we do in a slightly less formal way than usual. And today I have a few snippets to share:
A project which we at Global integration are a part of appeared on BBC Leicester this week: Leicestershire Firm JJ Churchill wins Grant for New Jobs – JJ Churchill is one of the first companies to join the scheme, Sharing in Growth. We were excited to hear that the project is getting some of the attention it deserves – the organizers have worked hard to make it happen.
This week our Matrix Management Group on LinkedIn reached over 800 members . There are some great conversations happening in the group at the moment, including a recent healthy debate sparked by a question: “Within my organization we are in the process of implementing a matrix structure. What recommendations do you have on establishing priorities, guidelines, and a successful matrix structure?”. The group is an active one, and new members are always welcomed if you’d like to join – there’s a fantastic membership. There’s an icon to the right of this page (on most devices) that will take you straight there, or just search for ‘Matrix Management’ under groups on LinkedIn.
Sometimes you have to ‘ blow your own trumpet’, and although my colleagues here don’t shout much about the great work that they do (had they had this first I might never have seen it) we had a lovely email through the website this week from a student, Jose, living in Ireland: “I am in the process of completing my studies in leadership, your articles have helped me gain a better understanding of this discipline, thank you.” Thank you, too, Jose, for making the effort to let us know.
We are also now busily preparing for our 20th birthday celebrations. Yes – on April 1 it will be 20 years since we the company was founded. A lot has changed in that time: watch this space for more news as we get closer to the date. (You can sign up to get a weekly email roundup of all of our blog posts, above.)
And lastly…. we were amused this week to see someone selling a copy of Kevan Hall’s book, Making the Matrix Work, for the princely sum of £612.90 (just over a thousand dollars US). You can get one a lot cheaper (around £20 usually, less on Kindle), but I guess someone just spotted it’s true value! On a more serious note, someone contacted us this week for multiple copies in a hurry as they couldn’t find enough online. If you are ever stuck, we always keep a stock and can usually offer better prices for multiple copies (and always better than £612.90!). The same, incidentally, applies to Speed Lead.
On behalf of the team here, may I wish you a fantastic week ahead.
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