Hybrid Team
A Hybrid Team includes team members with a variety of working modes –
- people working full time in the office or main location
- people who are in the office only for part of the week
- people who are permanently home based
- people working from a variety of office locations individually or in groups
Managed well, hybrid teams can deliver the best aspects of both working remotely and working together in the same location. However coordinating hybrid team activity and building effective teams where people have very different experiences of work is a new challenge for many managers and individuals.
Some common challenges in hybrid teams include
- Understanding the different modes of working and how to combine them to get the best of both (and avoid the worst)
- Establishing the best hybrid pattern of working for your team depending on the work you need to deliver and the preferences of your team members
- Improving productivity and sustainable working practices when working from home
- Scheduling and running hybrid collaboration, communication and meetings
- Overcoming problems such as differential treatment, “us and them”, proximity bias, staying visible, balancing control and trust and building collective celebration and recognition
- Being explicit about the norms of how we will work together and communicating this to others
See more about our hybrid teams training.
Read our book – Leading remote and virtual teams: Managing yourself and others in remote and hybrid teams or when working from home.
Explore our training programs to see how we can help.
Agile & Digital Training Matrix Management Training People and purpose Training Virtual Teams TrainingTailored training or off the shelf modules for your people development needs
We are deep content experts in remote, virtual and hybrid working, matrix management and agile & digital leadership. We are highly flexible in how we deliver our content and ideas. We can tailor content closely to your specific needs or deliver off the shelf bite sized modules based on our existing IP and 30 years of training experience.
For more about how we deliver our keynotes, workshops, live web seminars and online learning.