Virtual Teams

Ten Point Management Guide: Building Trust

Global Integration CEO Kevan Hall’s article on trust as a barometer of management health started many conversations. Here he summarises, in ten points, the essentials of trust building within a team:

1. Demonstrate your trust in individuals, to them and also publicly  –  people need to see that you are offering trust first.

2. Reduce controls on others: this builds and demonstrates trust; it also builds their confidence (self-trust) to do things for themselves.

3. Encourage participative decision-making: allowing people to agree objectives and constraints commits them to the deliverables rather than having them imposed

4. Delegate authority  – and the responsibility that goes with it. (One without the other undermines trust.)

5. Discuss and negotiate clear mutual expectations. (Trust may be undermined by unspoken assumptions not being met.)

6. Encourage open communication.

7. Allow others to influence you as a manager.

8. Offer rewards and sanctions for trustworthy and untrustworthy actions.

9. Help people to learn new skills and capabilities: this builds trust from both sides.

10. Be accessible in a timely manner when people need you

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