Agile & Digital

Do you know how to digitize your workflow?

Over the past few months we’ve been blogging about how the digital revolution requires new ways of working across the organization – well that includes us as individuals too. So how can we pull all of these digital insights together and apply them to our day-to-day work?

In terms of step 1, starting ‘outside in’ – digital trailblazers like Amazon, Apple and Uber have raised the bar for what we now expect from a customer experience.  As a result, “every large and ambitious company today should be trying to figure out how to become a destination for its customers. Consumers are voting with their mobile devices”, as MIT says.

Even companies that historically could get away with just focusing on delivering a great product are now having to engage much more closely with their customers to survive. Big energy firms, for example, have for decades put most of their focus on power generation – but nowadays “digitally empowered customers have opinions about everything from where their energy should come from to when their bills should arrive”, according to MIT.

So whether companies were born digital or come from more traditional backgrounds, we all need to bring customer-centric thinking in-house.

As for steps 2 to 4 above, MIT and Deloitte’s 2018 global survey of more than 4,300 managers, executives and analysts found that successfully “digitally maturing organizations are more likely to experiment and iterate… This alone, is not enough. Companies should use the results of those experiments – successes and failures – to drive change across the organization”.

Rather than pushing for a “singular, massive organizational overhaul” (let’s be honest, we know how those tend to go), their findings show that the best way to respond to digital disruption is to “be continually sensing and adapting to these environmental changes wrought by digital technologies in small, manageable ways”.

Over to you!

To find out more about how to rewire your culture and skills to thrive in a digital world, download our new digital white paper here.


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